Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A change in Plans

I didn't get as far as I would have liked this weekend.   I screwed up some more parts and I found out that the plans incorrectly state that two rear landing gear fittings are required but comparing the plans to actual function and the photos are avions piel (see post #1) it appears that 4 are needed.  It looks like I'll be making a trip to Discount Steel in the near future or maybe I'll give Midwest Steel a shot.
It never really set well with me that the ailerons used a bungee to provide the opposing force for the bellcrank instead of using a cable between the two sides to create the pull pull system.  While I was reviewing things as stated above I noticed that Guy had installed a differential cable so I decided to machine new ones.
The other parts are 2 of the 8 main wing spar fittings without fillets and without the 7 and some change degree bends.
I cut up some 3/4" plywood into 3" strips to build the workbench supports today too.  More to come on that adventure.
Going flying tomorrow if the weather is good.

Number of hours:  3.2
Total hours:  21.6

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Canard Control Fittings and Main Wing Aft Spar Fittings

I ended up drilling a hole wrong on one of the canard control fittings (forward wing control angles) so I machined another one, that makes six now in total.  Then I set up my new rotary table and put the radius on the corner of each control fitting.  The four forward wing hinges needed a radius on one of the corners too so I set up and machined those.
I rough cut the 4 main wing main spar attachment to F2 fittings and then rough cut the 4 main wing spar fittings.  I started studying the plans after I surfaced 4 faces of the main wing spar fittings to better understand their use and orientation after installation.   This brought a problem to my attention,  the plans don't say how many main wing spar fittings are required.   Each main wing spar has a top fitting and a bottom fitting on the front and back.  If you're keeping track in your head that means I need 8 fittings; not 4 and it means that I'm 3 feet short on my 1/4" X 1-1/4" bar stock.  I don't know what I will do as far as ordering more.
I spent Tuesday at Airventure and it was overwhelming, but I did get my epoxy, alodine, and plywood.  Hopefully my spruce will show up next week and I can pick it up at my flying lesson.
The bearings for my pullies and canard hinges showed up this past week.  I intend to start machining those this weekend.  Next week my project is getting my office cleaned up and finish the mud, tape, paint, and trim on the walls.  Then I can build my workbench and start the fuselage!   Maybe it will finally start to look like an airplane?
I believe that I have settled on an acceptable power plant for this project, the Yamaha KT100.  It is light weight and can easily develop 15-18 HP.  It will need a redrive, starter, and alternator but that is way way way down the line.

Number of hours: 1.9
Total hours: 18.4

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Front Gear Block

Ok, I didn't get much done today.   I ordered the bearings for the canard hinges from HTTP://WWW.vxb.com they are a great supplier and I highly recommend them.  I used their services for my Reprap Mendel a few years back.  I also ordered a rotary table for the mill so I can radius the remaining aluminum parts the right way.  I did the take offs for the 4130 parts and saved them for a future order from McMaster Carr.
I cut a thin slice from my 1" X 1-1/2" aluminum bar stock using my hacksaw, took it over to the mill and faced both sides.  Darn, it was 9mm instead of 10mm.  I didn't feel like using the hacksaw again so I put the bar in the vice and machined a slice off the end, much easier on my arm but a lot of waste.  Then I faced all 6 sides and drilled the 3 holes.  At that point the kids wanted to go swimming so I took them in the pool.  I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am.

Number of hours:  1.0
Total hours: 16.5

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rear Wing Attach Fittings

Tonight, I completed the wing attachment fittings that attach F-3 and the rear wing's small spar.

Number of hours: 2.1
Total hours: 15.5

1:1 Plans and Canard Ribs

I cut the canard rib foam today on one of the CNC routers at work from the plans I drew previously in SolidWorks.  I brought them home and laid them out on the 1:1 rib drawings and they were short.
My heart dropped for a couple of minutes and then I grabbed my tape measure to verify dimensions.  The main canard plans show 800mm, the cancelled canard plans show 840mm, and the 1:1 rib plans are 830mm.  So I pulled out the 1:1 details for the fuselage bulkheads and they are wrong too.  What is the point of providing 1:1 prints that aren't scaled properly?  The details for the winglets don't work out as drawn and dimensioned either.  If you don't have CAD abilities these plans are probably not for you.

Number of hours:  2.6
Total hours: 13.4

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I knew it would happen somewhere along the line in this project and today it did.  Drawings made in Europe and many other countries use a different method of orthagraphic projection than we do in the U.S. which can be confusing.   Most of the parts that I am working on now also have opposite hand versions that are not drawn in the plans.  I continued work today on the many different chamfers for the aluminum angle parts and, as you can see from the picture, I put a chamfer on the wrong corner.
This brings up a nice facet of home building and I don't mean the opportunity to make the part again.  I am referring to the fact that mistakes will happen but they are no need for stress because I am doing this for fun and relaxation; there are no deadlines.   And if I get too frustrated I can stop for the day or work on something else.  Today I decided to finish the rest of the chamfers on all of the remaining parts and then make a new forward wing control angle to replace the one I screwed up.  After all, anything worth doing is worth doing over.  This is the reason that we buy extra material in the first place, mistakes WILL happen.  The next time that you think you are perfect try walking on water.  That's enough cliches for one day.

Number of hours: 1.5
Total hours:  10.8

Canard Foam

I have been trying to do a little bit each day on this project.  There isn't much visible progress, but I am still pressing on.  I have been milling the aluminum angle parts as the temperature allows but I haven't completed any because I have been working on all of the parts at once to save the number of set ups.

The spruce, plywood, and epoxy for the fuselage and canard have been ordered.  I was hoping to pick it all up at Oshkosh next week, but they have to have 2 weeks to cut the material.  Now I am faced with scarf joints in the fuselage longerons and spar caps.  It's not ideal but it is acceptable practice according to FAR43.13 as long as a 1:12 joint is used.

On a brighter note, I am following a lead that might get me all of the foam for the airplane for free.  The downside is that I may have to splice together some blocks.  I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not; I know that other canard builders fabricate their wings from multiple blocks.

I spent a little time drawing out the foam for the canard too.

Number of hours:  1.8
Total hours:  9.3

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rear Landing Gear Braces

Machined the two rear landing gear braces out of 1/8" X 1-1/4" equal leg 6061 angle tonight.  First machined them to length, then machined one side to 25 mm and the other side to 15 mm.   The third step was to add chamfers to the corners and the final step was to drill 5 holes.  All in all it took about 2 hours.  I just realized that I will have to spend some time indicating my vice back in on the mill because of the angles I had to set up to machine the chamfers...bummer.  I completed bending the last two sheet aluminum parts today too.  Last night I went through the take offs for all of the spruce, it will be about $700 worth of spruce alone.

Number of hours:  2.0
Total hours:  7.5

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

SolidWorks and Wing Foam

Spent some time today calculating how much foam I will need to complete this project (100 sq. ft of 1" Dow Blue Fabricators Foam).  To do that I drew the wing and winglets in SolidWorks.  I will have to start the take offs next for Spruce and Plywood.  I hope that people are finding the progress updates interesting / useful, let me know if I need to do things differently so that you can get as much out of this experience as I am.

Number of hours:  1.0
Total hours:  5.5

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thin sheet aluminum parts

I drew up the 0.04" and 0.063" thick aluminum parts and with a little help from my buddy Tony we machined them on one of the CNC routers at work.  I brought them home and deburred the sharp edges and then bent the tabs on the mounting brackets for the aileron / rudder idler puppies.  To finish off the night, I rough cut the pieces that are made out of equal leg angle extrusion.  It doesn't sound like much when you write it down but it was a fair amount of work.

Number of hours:  4.5
Total hours:  4.5

Monday, July 9, 2012

If you look just right...

If you look at these raw pieces of aluminum just right you can see airplane parts.

Two Poorly Translated Articles

I found these two articles on the Avions Piel forum regarding the Onyx and used Google Translate to convert them over to english. Enjoy!

It is well known in ornithology, ducks (those who steal are migratory birds and their presence is as discrete as fleeting.

 We who have canards like them well: apart from their regular appearance at major annual gatherings, we hardly see them. And it is a breed apart a bit. They intrigue and excite as much interest as skepticism.

In the category of aircraft-French canards (rare) Claude Piel had designed for his set, which was his last realization, CP 150 Onyx, light aircraft category of ULM, small pleasure craft has low cost of ownership. Its construction by amateurs, there is little more classic wood and fabric for all.

By cons, general design document, the original features abound. Compared with some canards from across the Atlantic, the front wing surface area is more than generous and it is elevated to above the fuselage, like a MIGNET and is fully articulated. This elevation can avoid the deflection of the air, passing under the central part of the main wing, does not create an effect of downforce on the main wing. This is the reverse of the Onyx as the flow passes over the top, causing a-slot, generator of lift. Which probably explains the qualities of flight at low speeds of Onyx.

 After examination, it seems that all of the formulas used in the design of the Onyx correspond to the demands of pilots means, in flying unpretentious, namely:

Facilitates control
Economy (purchase, use, maintenance)

Security - Of conventional devices, the stall still exists. Better airfoils, the imperatives of centering the rudder deflections and limits, have considerably reduced the scourge. Yet every year we contributed its share of accidents for this cause.

Fly slowly without fear of a loss of control, here is perhaps the main quality of the Onyx

Security, it is also the visibility. The elevated forward wing, causes only a slight blind spot, high up and bit embarrassing. This position clears by totally against the view of the front at takeoff and landing.

The general structure of CP150 was calculated at +6 and -3 g’s. The two bolts of 12mm that hold a wing break was 9 tons ...

The Steering. Always for an average pilot, it seems desirable that the pilot is the case, where possible, instinctive reflex, not delicate maneuvers, results of a pedagogy developed. This truism continues to smile on the day of the carafe engine at low altitude or weather degredation which requires emergency landing in inhospitable countryside.

In case of engine failure on the Onyx, the descent can be parachute-like, the pilot, that was all before the lift in hand, perfectly controlling the trajectory, the simultaneous deflection of the rudder assembly process, in addition, act as 'airbrakes.

The Onyx has another peculiarity simplifying the control. In flight, the longitudinal stability is a stability << >> automatic lift, because the whole canard constantly rotates and locks itself and has the optimum lift necessary for flight. After adjustment of tab, one can thus piloting only to feet, the apparatus having a good induced roll.

Before ground contact, no fear of being rounded << >> under the flight path (the same also at takeoff). The high sensitivity of the depth being certainly the most surprising when taking into hands.

the Performances

On a canard, the rear engine allows the better penetration through insecure in the air from the front of the fuselage. The tandem-seat << >> Onyx accentuate the fluidity of the lines. Unfortunately, it is known that a canard loses its smoothness because of a general plan before, always bearing, which can be << >> transparant. Thanks to the low drag of the fuselage and wing profiles has good Cx, the overall result is above average. The Onyx flies a single seater 100 km / h with 18 hp and 130 km / h with 25 hp reduction.


For a homebuilder, materials and ... the engine is still too expensive. And increasingly, the time factor << >> comes into play. We too << >> time is money. The hours add up quickly and it has less and less. How many planes are for sale << finished at 50%, 70%, 95% ... >>. The last 5% is a calamity, wedged between the need to repaint the kitchen last (three years you whatever odds and ends in the garage), new work rules, financial, or simply because of pissed.

Therefore, in recent years, the idea of KITS, these dishes prepared by our activities culprits caught on. We do more planes, one climbs. We do more soda, is installed. Devil! It's more expensive! Yes, but it's three times faster done and what would have been only a dream becomes reality abortion within a reasonable time. And one group has two or three for cash. Finally, what costs the most? A body will rot in that unfinished attic or an airplane flying? And there is the motivation. For our Onyx, the fuselage comes complete, up, almost on its three wheels. We really want to do the wings ... All because some enthusiasts made have a set of molds that save at least 500 hours.

 And then there are some details. Onyx on the ribs

Wings and derivatives

The wing princpale, in two parts, has a profile NACA23015. Way it is constructed classic wooden and plywood. The spar caps are in wide strips, stacked on a sliding scale. Ames plate-cons. All aboard the attiaque is safe. The ribs and slats are Klegecell 40 and 55kg, caps stiffened by CTP. Longitudinal members, bar and drag ailerons also in sticks and CTP. Manufacture the same for derivatives but a plastic >> << option is scheduled for two-seater The height of the spar (235mm for mono) and the large wing chord has the root gives a set of exceptional rigidity.

The wing attachment is via two fittings or AU4G 15CDV6, cover member and interlocking with the fuselage on a main frame provided with male fittings << >> through the fuselage. Fixation by two vertical axes plus one bolt at the end of the drag bar. The plan-canard, fully articulated on two hinges, is constructed identical manner. Profile NACA23012

the fuselage

For the single place. There are two versions:

Formula << >> all wood, in strips and CTP. Gear leg also wooden, reinforced glass fabrics. Metal front fork.

Formula << >> plastic. It's not a sandwich but a skin of glass-kevlar, carbon fiber reinforced. All built in female molds (17 total!). Isophthalic resin and epoxy. FUEL TANK 26 Literes in the seat. Large storage compartment. Full train of woven glass and kevlar.

For the two-seater, only plastic fuselage. Realized in two parts, with a chassis and a floor, all laminated together to mount (like the single seater). Two front seats with driver. FUEL TANK SEPARATE of 40 liters. Optional tanks in the wings, twice 20 liters. In this case the central tank can be removed and the increasing ability of luggage.

On all models, the two support arms of the plan are over-sized canard. They pass through the fuselage and are firmly laminated on the inside frame. Longitudinal reinforcements stiffen the whole shell.

The manhole covers are cut and positioned. Box has space for instruments and luggage are planned on both models.

On the two-seater, the rear ends with an engine cover in two parts, there are two versions: one for the Rotax 503 and one for the VW 1600.

No opening on top of the fuselage, making it rainproof. Two NACA taken on the sides provide ventilation.

The fuselage of the two-seater, very compact, measuring only 4.05 m.

Driver (Tandem)

The canopy, glider type, pivots on the right side. A step outside for easy installation on board.

The main undercarriage leg is a full unidirectional fabric of balsa core. Brakes on main wheels.

The front fork is in two parts. Main support kevlar plus a built sheet metal bracket. Rubber suspension. It is controlled, direction air, the pedals for taxiing. A STAND HINGED rear retracts into the fuselage. It descends by gravity with automatic locking. This began by pulling a little cable.

Note that a security has forced the STAND down when the pilot leaves his post, and at start up the engine, pilot on board.

From Engine Installation

For the Rotax fixation by two lower damper Silentblocs more thrust on top, leaning back on the table.

The VW is mounted on a standard built in small tubes, fixed on the rear bulkhead.

The unit is equipped with a double-integral control; cables for the direction, depth and rigid fins.

Disassembly or reassembly of the unit: half an hour & 2 people.

As for the single seater, the kit will include all plastic fuselage mounted parts, no further work being necessary for separation.

The total time of construction of the apparatus, from the fuselage, plastic, will be equivalent to single, less than 1000 hours. If there is sufficient demand, our Association will execute the pre-fabrication of certain elements such as wing spars fins, all the mechanics. With plastic vertical stabilizers. The total time must fall below 500 hours.

Most of the structural elements will be tested under Veritas control.

Prices (estimation January 1988)

The single seater:

In order of flight, has returned about 45,000 F with KFM 25 hp and bought 19,500 F FUSELAGE KIT-TTC

the tandem:

Total cost, with 52 hp Rotax engine, about 70,000 F (with a KIT-BODY of 36,000 F). count of over 5000 F with VW 1600.

Wingspan 7.3m

length 3.53m

Total area 12.8 m ^ 2

Weight 115.00 kg

Maximum speed 100 km / h

Minimum speed 45 km / h

Cruising speed 80 km / h

V.N.E. 140 km / h

Engine (power) 12 hp

Type Solo reduction

Takeoff at 100m

Landing 30m

Rate of climb 1.8 m / s

Caution: The engine mounting JPX or KFM version of CP150 any wood can no longer meet the ultralight regulations because of the excess weight per m ^ 2.

Is it necessary to present Claude Piel, one of the most prestigious names in sports and light aviation in France for over three decades?! His creations cover virtually all of the SLOTS and aeronautics mark of success as incontestable as the Diamant and Super-Diamant and Emerald and extrapolation through the Super Emeraude CP-100, became the prototype of CAP- 10 light infantry of A. Mudry. With CP-80, approached Claude Piel racers and it's like to souveeir plans of CP-500 push-pull, to remind that he also put the twin engine to the scope of Manufacturers Amateurs. There was a missing microlight to complete this range. It's done: also named a first name evocative of precious stones, CP-150 Onyx is about to take off when the book will appear. Because, again, as with the two-seater light aircraft Bela Nogrady, I take the risk you present a device that is still under construction that has the time or I write these lines. But again, in an ultralight airplane sign Claude Piel, the risk is minimal - almost nonexistent even - to see what single seater will reveal a misses!

The only defect that can perhaps be faulted for that Onyx-performance calculated promising is to use technology too has a classic, and requiring too many hours of labor. But it remains true that the wood-and-fabric remains uneventful also in terms of security, a pleasant work and therefore perfectly capable of trying those that build their aircraft to fly as much as passion then with. In a configuration of two tandem monoplane, very close to the Mignet formula and with the wing forward movable into acting incidence elevator (wingspan: 4.46 m; surface: 3.7m ^ 2) as is the case for the Pou du Ciel, CP-150 sees its main wing (scale: 7.3 m; surface: 9.1m ^ 2) with fins and ending, the marginal edges. Winglets on two very well surfaced and the trailing edge of which are articulated rudders. The front wing is further stabilized by a rigidly CONTROLLED antitab and since the torque tube. Direction and control by warping cables.

The fuselage is of rectangular section and planned with a windshield profile that could very easily be extended to a glass roof for a closed cabin. It consists of three frames and two sidewalls, the first frame supporting masts profiles on the front wing and the fork of the front wheel left free of tricycle landing gearcarene. The main landing gear laminated wood blade is fixed at the bottom of the fuselage, two forks AU4G aluminum support wheels with brakes. The front wing has just one piece and is of type monolongeron with box edge, stiffening ribs and Klegecell tergal. His profile is NACA23012 while the wing is affected area a NACA23015. Into two parts, the latter is fixed to the fuselage by fittings in AU4G. Each half-wing is also the type monolongeron with box edge, stiffening ribs Klegecell and terylene. Both Winglets emerge from the same technology. The bundle plans of CP-150 Onyx, from which I drafted this description is of the same quality that has us accustomed Claude Piel: a remarkable clarity and precision of a hard to match!


Length: 3.53m

Height: 1.61m

Wingspan: 7.3m

Wing area: 12.8m ^ 2

Aspect Ratio: 4.1

Empty Weight: 70 kg

Maximum takeoff weight: 180 kg

Payload: 90 kg

Wing loading: 14.06kg / m ^ 2

Power Loading: 15 kg

Power to m ^ 2: 1.06 Hp

Fuel capacity: N.C.

Engine: 12 hp Solo Developing.

Load Factors: +4 G; -2G


Maximum speed in level: 100 km / h

Vne: N.C.

Cruise: 80 km / h

Stall speed: 35 km / h

Rate of climb: 1.8m / s

Takeoff in 60m

Landing 30m

Theoretical ceiling: N.C.

Duration: 2 hours

Glide ratio: N.C.

Friday, July 6, 2012

In the beginning ...

This blog is about building an airplane designed by Claude Piel called the CP-150 Onyx.
I fell in love with building and flying model aircraft as a child and have wanted to fly the real thing ever since.  This year I figured that I wasn't getting any younger so it was time to start following my dream.  I found a nearby flight school and currently have about 12 hours of time in my log book.  If you are looking for a good school in Minnesota I would highly recommend Jason at Ascend Aviation in Princeton.  I want to own my own plane someday but a nice certificated aircraft is out of my reach, that leaves building a plane piece by piece until I have something that will fly.
The first step of the process was to decide my mission.  I wanted to fly fast cross country with decent economy.  The planes that I liked for this mission were the Piper Lance, Piper Matrix, Beechcraft Debonair,  Bede BD-4, and the Cozy IV.  Then I looked at the types of construction: wood, metal, or composite.  The Cozy IV was the front runner due to my experience with composites.  Then I hit a snag, the FAA says that you can't be on certain medications and get your pilot's license.  While I get that mess straightened out I want to still fly so I started looking at different planes that could be built and flown as part 103 ultralights.  I was attracted to the Ragwing Special at first but found that it wasn't realistic to build as an ultralight.  Then I looked at the Fisher Koala but I thought the price of the plans was steep at $200 more than most others.  That money can go a long ways towards flight time or raw materials.   I found the Onyx on homebuilt.org and decided to order the plans for myself for fathers day.  It is built using wood, fabric, and fiberglass so I would be comfortable with the construction techniques.  Canards are the best looking aircraft too.  The design was created to be a low cost and low build time craft with docile flight characteristics.  The choice of engine is still up in the air but will probably come from the ppc /ppg market.  If anyone has a line on a good deal please let me know.
I have been pouring over the plans since they arrived looking for details that I don't understand,  doing bill of material take offs, and trying to decide where to start.
I ended up deciding to start by building the aluminum parts first and placed my order with Discount Steel in Minneapolis.  I have had several dealings with them in the past and they have always treated me right.
So that is where the project starts.  I will try to take pictures along the way as much as possible to include in this blog.  There are no examples on the internet of this design being flown in the USA that I can find, but there seems to be a few in Europe.  I know that it will be slow going and I may have my Private Pilot License before I finish, but putting this blog up will help keep me accountable to the project.  If you notice a mistake or have any questions please use the comment feature so others can learn from our conversation.