Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Canard Foam

I have been trying to do a little bit each day on this project.  There isn't much visible progress, but I am still pressing on.  I have been milling the aluminum angle parts as the temperature allows but I haven't completed any because I have been working on all of the parts at once to save the number of set ups.

The spruce, plywood, and epoxy for the fuselage and canard have been ordered.  I was hoping to pick it all up at Oshkosh next week, but they have to have 2 weeks to cut the material.  Now I am faced with scarf joints in the fuselage longerons and spar caps.  It's not ideal but it is acceptable practice according to FAR43.13 as long as a 1:12 joint is used.

On a brighter note, I am following a lead that might get me all of the foam for the airplane for free.  The downside is that I may have to splice together some blocks.  I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not; I know that other canard builders fabricate their wings from multiple blocks.

I spent a little time drawing out the foam for the canard too.

Number of hours:  1.8
Total hours:  9.3

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