Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Canard Spar #6

I had 20 minutes of free time before dinner tonight, so I cleaned the glue off the canard spar.  After dinner, Maverick and I went to the Home Depot for some tape.  He wanted to get a new flashlight so we found that first and then we started our quest for clear packing tape.  You may recall from earlier posts that I like to use packing tape on my work surface because glue won't stick to it; or you may not.  I found the tape but they didn't have a legitimate tape dispenser (they only had the crappy plastic ones that are a rip off and not reusable) so I enquired at the paint counter to find outif they had real tape dispensers.  The person at the counter told me they did not but I could check in the moving department anyway.  Anytime a Home Depot employee tells me that they don't carry an item I am encouraged because they are always wrong!  I went back to the moving department and grabbed a tape gun and a couple of extra rolls of tape and I was on my way.

I checked the level on my workbench because of the twist in one of my spar caps and one corner was slightly off.  I leveled everything and then set to work marking support locations on the spar and workbench.  Then I applied tape to the work surface where I would be gluing supports in the spar.  All of the vertical support members were then fitted in place and checked to a nose rib to make sure that I had the proper length.  Each support member required some trimming on the band saw for optimal length.  I completed the night by gluing the seven vertical support members in place.  I need to figure out my shear web layout so I can machine my scarf joints soon.

Number of hours:  1.7
Total hours:  209.8

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