Thursday, February 21, 2013

Minor Detail Missed

Sometimes I feel like Michael Bolton from the movie Office Space - "I always screw up some mundane detail"

I was reviewing my parts list for my DIY avionics and it was brought to my attention that a 2 axis magnemometer will only be correct when it is level!  Ok, I know it's probably not a huge issue for a plane that will rarely see a greater bank angle than 20*, but a tool should be built to be as accurate as possible.  How does one account for the changes in magnetic fields as a vehicle departs straight and level flight?  The answer lies in some really neat trigonometry and a 3 axis accelerometer.   Are you geeking out yet?

I took some time today to machine out a form block for my front landing gear spring.

Number of hours:  0.5
Total hours:  171.5

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